JULY 9 – 27, 2016
The work in THREE is best described as colorful globalization that recognizes and identifies with our current political culture and climate. With the help of the Internet and the constant bombardment of information from electronic media, the artists showing work in THREE are taking advantage of the accessibility of material no longer prohibited. This fast-paced exchange of information is driving these artists to quickly deliver their version of the story to the viewer. The artists in THREE are creating work within current Social Art Movements inspired by previous artistic endeavors. Chubirka, Greer, and Khalid explore issues concerning sensitive or controversial subjects resulting in work with a psychological impact that both tortures and keeps us asking for more.
Featuring: Chubirka, Drigo, Daryl Gannon, Zachary Greer, Usama Khalid, Shawn Vales, Robert Weiss, and Jave Yoshimoto